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The Joy of the Eye of the Artist

The Joy of the Eye of the Artist is a series in which I express the joy that for me is to be alive and with this awareness and fullness to be able to immerse myself in this wonderful experience called life.

That joy is produced by knowing that everything I see around me is an inspiration to transmute what I see, what I hear and what I perceive with all my senses, coming out rhythmically during the process of the act of creating.

In that glorious act, when I am working on my painting, I enter a point of creative silence and immense communion full of enjoyment with myself.

This series began when I first went to live and study in Florence, Italy, in 1989. Then, over the years, I continued to expand this series as I lived and experienced the different cultures of the countries I have lived in around the world. .

I can't say that any of my series are finished. None of these will be finished while I continue in the extraordinary joy of being fully alive and in the intimate and extraordinary joy of creating my art.

Mari Gamarra

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